Zilker Neighborhood Association
Austin, Texas 78704

Sound Issues

Amplified Sound

ZNA has worked to protect residents from excessive sound issues while at the same time supporting business establishments that support the local Austin music scene. In a commercially-zoned area, an establishment must obtain a permit containing decibel limits and time restrictions to operate sound equipment audible to the public except amplified music is not allowed with 100-feet of a residentially-zoned area. In a residentially-zoned area, no permit is required if the amplified sound is between 10am and 10pm and does not exceed 75db. When permits are required, they can be issued on an annual basis or a temporary basis.

If you have issues with sound from a business establishment, you can call 311 to report it but the City has indicated that the quickest investigation occurs if you use their 311 App (click here for download instructions).

Annual Sound Permits for Outdoor Music Venues (OMV)

Sound Impact Plan

A sound impact plan is required by City Code §9-2-41 as part of an OMV permit issued by the City. It is prepared after the application has been reviewed by the City. The elements of a sound impact plan include the following:

(1) sound-mitigating design features
(2) prescribed decibel levels and hours of operating
(3) availability and use of decibel meters on site
(4) contact information and hours of availability for an individual responsible for sound
(5) location for display of permit
(6) any other elements required by the accountable official

The following Sound Impact Plans have been prepared by the City:

Negotiated Sound Agreements

ZNA has negotiated the following sound agreements:

Sound Ordinance Documents and Links

Airplane Noise