Zilker Neighborhood Association
Austin, Texas 78704

(1709 & 1803 Evergreen Ave; 1204 W Mary St)


This property consists of three TCAD parcels (four platted City lots) and is addressed as 1709 Evergreen Ave, 1803 Evergreen Ave, and 1204 W Mary St. It also contains the historic Millbrook house (see historical marker information).

Zoning Change Application (Case 2020-123476 ZC; Reference File Name C14-2020-0097)

The Applicant proposed to rezone 1.322 acres from from CS, SF-3, and MF-3-H to CS-MU and CS-MU-H. The staff changed the rezoning to be CS-MU and GO-MU-H. The public hearings were uncontested and the City Council approved the rezoning on consent 11-0 on 03 Dec 2020.